Friday, April 20, 2012

Tip Of The Day: WATER

When clearing water that is stagnant, foul or muddy you need to first filter it. 
You can let it stand for exactly 12 hours or more in a container, or by pouring it threw a filtering system.  Most people do the old method of rocks and gravel to more fine objects and then ending the filter with a cheese cloth or if you dont have that, using your shirt works just as well.  If you are wearing a hat, it can be used as a good bowl for letting water filter threw, but that is just to get out all that nasty stuff in there that you can actually see.  Using charcoal works , but like whatever else you use it will not taste very well, but then again your attempting to survive so, don't complain.
To get rid of odors in the water, using a red hot coal from  your fire and letting it sit in the water for atleast an hour will help before you drink it.  You can never be to careful with drinking water you just picked up out of a pond or back woods stream, go with your gut instinct because it usually right.  If you feel it is not safe to drink, just keep on filtering it.  A word of advice, if you already have a fire going boil the water before filtering it.  If you do not have a fire and you are wits end, look for running water not sitting water.  If you can smell the odor before even getting close, walk away and stay away.  When coming acrosss dead trees that have been soaked in rain water, you can usually squeeze water out of it, because dead trees are like sponges.

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