Tuesday, April 17, 2012

1 Month.1 Day. Lets go hiking

Yesterday was the first actual warm day in a long time and it was fantastic!
Did alot of hiking and alot of relaxing, and took the motorcycle out for a little spin.
We all need to be active, and no im not giving anyone the be healthy speech.  What im really trying to say is that I hope everyone likes being outside as much as I do,  I suffer from a few medical problems so being outdoors is my motivation.  My motivation to thinking positive and living a straight forward life (or atleast try too). I want to get as many people as possible on these hikes that I will be having and letting people relax and get out for a day.  You see I made a commitment to myself and that was to be a better person and help others along the way, and thats what im trying to do.  Most of the hikes will be on the Appalachian Trail at the water gap in New Jersey, so feel free to join me and whoever else may show up.  If no one shows up its no biggy!  i'll just put my head phones in and start walkin the trails.
Dates will be posted on my twitter account or facebook.
Or even here!

-Be Happy-

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