Sunday, April 22, 2012

Improvised Spear Fishing

When spear fishing, make sure to stay in waters that are waist deep if not more shallow waters.  Though their are tribes that spear fish by diving into deep waters with their spear guiding the way,  but today's lesson is being directed at those just starting out or just wanting to give it a try. 
If you have a knife that's great, then common knowledge as to what you would do with that knife and a stick is pretty clear, but DO NOT start throwing your spear around like it's some toy.  If  you lose that knife then your confidence goes way down, because to some if not everybody having a knife is a sense of security just as having a gun would be a sense of security.  So! picture yourself losing that knife because  your were dumb and thought that fish was close enough to start feeling confident, but then all of a sudden your knifes gone.  And then what!
Now onto the main topic, when creating your improvised fishing spear make sure to find a sturdy branch that is straight, if you come across bamboo then that's even better.  As shown in the image above, animal bones and metal which you will probably find as one mans garbage but your treasure as i went over yesterday, will work very well.  Even carving out your one spear tip will work, but when spear fishing you want all odds on your end.  So which brings me to my next point as shown in the image below.
When spear fishing especially by hand without the use of a spear gun or elastic launching device, you want to be as creative as possible.  so, by taking a bamboo stick for instance as shown in the image above you can take one end and split it two ways so that you get four spearing utensils out of one stick.  Which brings you in favor of getting lucky and that fish losing terribly.  By splitting the end two ways, and sticking a piece of wood or twine and even stripped live branches to make rope with, you can lodge whatever your using in the middle to create that splitting end affect.  By intertwining your rope between the split ends you can make your spear even more durable, meaning you can hunt bigger fish.  Carving hooks into the ends just make it harder for the fish to slip off, but for safe measure you should always grab the fish before pulling your spear out of the water in joy.  Spear fishing in waist deep water is just a common rule of thumb, because you can see below you and while walking around or just standing still you can keep your spear end in the water so you're even closer to your kill.

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