Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Appalachian Trail Hike to Sun Fish Pond -June 2nd-

Just wanted to say that being sick really stinks.

I hate it.

But I have finally gathered my thoughts and am now back in action, with crazy tips
and fun facts.

First off!
 If no one knows, that is for anyone and hopefully alot of people that are living in
New Jersey or Pennsylvania, I have a request to make for those of you that read this and want to do something fun on June 2nd(Saturday). 

At the Water Gap section of the Appalachian Trail in New Jersey, I will be hiking that day and I'm inviting anyone and everyone to join me.  To make something clear, you wont get anything out of this, because it is not a sales pitch for my site or any of that bogus stuff.  This is strictly for those of you that want to be outside that day and just want to a take a few deep breathes into nature and just go on a nice hike to Sun Fish Pond or even hike up the peak of the trail that looks over the Delaware River and have lunch.  I plan on meeting some interesting people that day, so I hope to see you there!

-Mountain Swag-

Ps. If possible for anyone that reads this to please tweet this or facebook it or just simply pass it along to those you feel would be interested.
Thank you so much